Avocado and Bacon Salad

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Avocado and Bacon Salad
Oh, I really do love this salad. I always make the dressing first. Start with about 1/4 of a ripe avocado. Cut it up small.

Smash the avocado bits with a fork. The smoother you get the avocado, the smoother the dressing will be. You could use a blender or food processor for really smooth dressing but I like the bits of avocado.
Make it as smooth as you like.

Chop the vegetables and combine them all in a bowl. I like everything chopped small so I don't have to fight with anything to get it into my mouth. :D

Top with some tortilla strips or crunched up tortilla chips and then...
pour on the dressing!

Toss it all together and dig in!
Ahhhhhhhhh.....the deliciousness!

Avocado and Bacon Salad

1/4 ripe avocado
1 tablespoon smooth salsa or hot sauce
1 tablespoon sour cream
1 tablespoon prepared Ranch Dressing
1 tablespoon milk
1/2 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
1 tablespoon sugar
1/8 teaspoon garlic powder
1/8 teaspoon onion powder
1/8 teaspoon pepper
1/8 teaspoon salt

Mash the avocado and combine all together with a whisk. For smoother dressing combine all in a blender or food processor.

3 cups chopped lettuce (any kind)
8 slices bacon, cooked and diced
1/2 avocado, diced
1/2 red bell pepper, diced
4 green onions, sliced
1 cup frozen corn, thawed
1 small tomato, diced
tortilla strips or crushed chips (a cup or so, more if you like. I like more.)

Combine and toss with dressing. Serve immediately.

About 2 main dish salads or 4 side salads.

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